JD Lock
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army (Retired), MS, PMP, LSSMBB

Itschner Award Submission - 1984
C Company
16th Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Armored Division
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Certificate of Achievement from the Corps Commander for 1984...in essence, our 'booby prize' for not being selected as the top Engineer company in the Corps.

Well, at least the 1AD CG thought the submission was pretty neat with his personal handwritten comments.

Division nomination letter.

Letter of endorsement from the BC. LTC Robert Greenwalt was one of the finest commanders I've ever met and one of the most savy tactical combat engineers there were.

A MOST original submission concept. While there were certain substance requirements that needed to be met, HOW that substance was presented was left tot he unit. Our Company Commander, CPT Walt Strieter, opted to take this rather novel approach with Charlie Company's submission. With his artist skills and my pictures (for the most part) as his XO (Executive Officer), we created something I'm quite confident had not been seen before.

Sergeant Charlie Company (C.C.) Rock...not to be confused with the 'SGT Rock of Easy Company' comic book fame :)
UL/UR: Upper Left/Right
ML/MR: Middle Left/Right
LL/LR: Lower Left/Right

The Itschner Plaque, first awarded by SAME in 1960, is named in honor of Lt. Gen. Emerson C. Itschner, USA. The plaque was presented to the most outstanding U.S. Army engineering company during a year. In 1974, the competition for the Itschner Award was broadened to include the Army National Guard and the Army reserve. Criteria: Most outstanding U.S. Army engineering company during the year. Eligibility: One plaque is awared each year to an outstanding engineering company from each the following: United States Army (Active); Army Reserve; and Army National Guard.