JD Lock
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army (Retired), MS, PMP, LSSMBB

United States Military Academy (USMA), West Point
July 1978 - May 1982
ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEMENT: Some USMA narrative and pictures (like below) were 'lifted' from other sites and either partially or totally used in their entirety to provide better background and/or context.

The mission of the United States Military Academy is "to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the United States Army."
The academy envisions that graduates will be commissioned leaders of character who, in preparation for the intellectual and ethical responsibilities of officership, are broadly educated, professionally skilled, morally-ethically grounded and physically fit, and committed to continued growth and development both as Army officers and as American citizens.
As such, graduates must understand the Profession of Arms and the application of a broad liberal education in the arts and sciences to that profession; the fundamentals of the American Constitution and the responsibilities of commissioned officers to its defense; and the values and ethical standards of the United States Army: the Professional Military Ethic.
Graduates must also demonstrate personal devotion to the duties of a commissioned officer: intellectual curiosity, imagination, and creativity; ability to act rationally and decisively under pressure; mastery of the basic military and physical skills required for entry into commissioned service; inspiration and motivation to lead American Soldiers in war and peace – leadership characterized by a winning spirit; the ability and motivation to achieve and sustain unit climates that are conducive to military effectiveness and professional excellence; and personal commitment to the selfless standards of officership within the United States Army.
Academy systems and programs have been structured to contribute to instilling these characteristics in each graduate.

One of the best posters, ever, and one no other institution can match when it comes to leadership.

Forbes Cover - 2009. For once, they got it right.


Always nice to be recognized as #1 when we've known it all along.

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